What Is The Hottest Pepper Infinity Chilli?

There are many different types of chili peppers, and the Infinity chili pepper is one of the hottest. It is a hybrid of the Ghost chili pepper and the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion chili pepper.

These peppers are incredibly hot, and they can reach up to 2.2 million Scoville heat units. That is more than twice as hot as the Ghost chili pepper, and more than three times as hot as the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion chili pepper. The Infinity chili pepper is not for the faint of heart, and it should be used with caution.


The Infinity pepper is a cultivar of the chili pepper family, bred for its high level of capsaicinoids, which handle the pepper’s heat. The Infinity pepper measures up to 1.25 million on the Scoville heat scale, making it one of the hottest peppers in the world. The pepper originates from the United Kingdom and is used primarily in culinary applications. Due to the pepper’s extreme heat, they should use it with caution.

What Are the 5 Hottest Chillies?

Talking about the hottest chilies, all of these super hot chili peppers rank above 2 million on Scoville Heat Units (SHU). Such is the Carolina Reaper goes up to 2.20 million SHU. The peppers on this list include the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion and the 7 Pot Primo, among others. These peppers are not for the faint of heart and should be handled with caution. If you’re looking for a challenge, though, these peppers will definitely give you a run for your money.

  1. Carolina Reaper: 2.20 million SHU
  2. Trinidad Moruga Scorpion: 2.01 million SHU
  3. 7 Pot Douglah: 1.85 million SHU
  4. 7 Pot Primo: 1,469,000 SHU
  5. Trinidad Scorpion Butch T: 1.46 million SHU

1. Carolina Reaper

The Carolina Reaper is currently the hottest chili pepper in the world, with a heat range of 1.40 million Scoville Heat Units to a blazing 2.20 million on the Scoville Scale. This chili pepper is not for the faint of heart, and only the most hardcore chili heads should attempt to eat it. If you’re looking for a challenge and want to see how much heat you can handle, give the Carolina Reaper a try. But be warned, it is not for the weak!

2. Trinidad Moruga Scorpion

The Trinidad Moruga Scorpion chili pepper is one of the hottest peppers in the world, with an average Scoville score of 1.2 million. Some individual peppers have been measured at over 2 million Scoville Units, making them nuclear-level hot. If you’re looking for a chili pepper that will really pack a punch, the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion is the one you want.

3. 7 Pot Douglah

The 7 Pot Douglah is also among one of the hottest peppers in the world, measuring in at between 923,889 and 1.85 million Scoville Heat Units. That is significantly hotter than a jalapeno pepper, which measures in at between 2,500 and 8,000 Scoville Heat Units, and a Habanero pepper, which measures in at around 300,000. This pepper is not for the faint of heart and should be handled with caution.

4. 7 Pot Primo

The 7 Pot Primo isn’t left out of the list of one of the hottest peppers in the world, with a Scoville rating of 1.47 million Scoville Heat Units (SHU). The 7 Pot Primo is a variety of Capsicum chinense, which is native to the Caribbean island of Trinidad. The 7 Pot Primo was developed by horticulturist Troy Primeaux, who crossed a 7 Pot Douglah with a Naga Morich. Its extremely hot flavor and its unique, lantern-shaped fruits characterized the 7 Pot. The 7 Pot Primo is used extensively in Trinidad and Tobago cuisine and is also becoming popular in other parts of the world.

5. Trinidad Scorpion Butch T

And the last on the list is the Trinidad Scorpion Butch T Pepper, which is truly one of the hottest peppers in the world. Official tests rate this pepper at 800,000 – 1.46 million Scoville Heat Units on the Scoville Scale, making it truly one of the hottest peppers in the world. This pepper is not for the faint of heart, and only the bravest of souls should attempt to eat it. Those who are brave enough to try this pepper will be rewarded with a truly unique and intense flavor experience. 

What Is the Hottest Chilli You Can Buy?

As of now, the Carolina Reaper is still the hottest chili you can buy. It is a wickedly hot chili that continues to hold the record for being the world’s hottest pepper. If you’re looking for a challenge and love spicy food, then this is the chili for you!

Can You Eat the Hottest Pepper?

Yes, you can eat the hottest pepper. Some people may have a hard time eating the hottest pepper, but it is possible. The hottest pepper in the world is the Carolina Reaper. It has a Scoville rating of 2.2 million. The next hottest pepper is the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion, which has a Scoville rating of 2 million.

Is Dragon’s Breath Hotter than Infinity Chilli?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it is impossible to accurately measure the heat of the Dragon’s Breath pepper.

However, the Infinity Chili is known to be one of the hottest chili peppers available, with a Scoville heat unit rating of 2.2 million. This means that the Infinity Chili is likely to be hotter than the Dragon’s Breath pepper.

However, there have been few recent research reports that the Dragon’s Breath pepper, which is claimed to be one of the hottest chili peppers in the world with a reported 2.48 million Scoville heat units. 


In summary, The Infinity Chilli is the hottest pepper in the world, but, it is so hot that, if it was eaten, you would explode. The Infinity Chilli clocks in at 1.8 million on the Scoville scale, which measures the power of chillis by how much heat they pack. In comparison, the Carolina Reaper clocks in at 2.2 million.

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